The top 2 patterns, The Pearly Daddy and Apache White, have managed to hold their positions from last month; Unfortunately the White Apache will not remain in the chart next month due to a victim of its own success, it is due to sell out and more stock will not be available until September. We still have a few left, if you need any we recommend you try to grab some while you can. Still, 5 Apache patterns manged to make it into the chart, so you are certainly not short of choices!
Two patterns which were recently restocked, the Green Snail and Shuttlecock Black CDC, both made it into the chart 4th & 10th position respectively. We would have loved to see our new Grey weighted version enter the chart, maybe it will later on this year.
These trending flies show a great impression of what is happening on the water at the moment, and directly shows what patterns other fisherman are using to catch those fish!
Ranking 1 & 2
Ranking 3 & 4
Ranking 5 & 6
Ranking 7 & 8
Ranking 9 & 10